Sunday, May 22, 2011

the weekly totals are in!

so i'm calling this week a success.   my couponing netted us
$232.60 this week....the details....

16 tubes of way too expensive toothpaste
15 bottles of various bath soaps and body washes
12 sample size shampoos for the gym bag
12 rolls of scotch tape
9 packages feminine products for my grown daughters
7 boxes of heating pain patches for hubby's knees
4 bottles of over the counter medications we take everyday
2 candy bars (already eaten)
1 toothbrush

store savings  $270.60.
spent $40.82 ...mostly for sales tax (i had 2 oopses where i had to pay extra after i used my store credit coupons incorrectly....this is a learning curve!)

another @21.00 spent on newspapers..(i'm one of those honest types who believes in coming by my coupons with unto others as you want them to do to you.....what goes around comes around etc.   i want all the good karma i can get.....and i want my local newspaper to stay in business!)

and finally, $24.00 remains in unused store cash coupons that can be spent soon on anything in the store.

not too shabby for my coupon efforts in one week.  if you want to learn how to easily do some couponing too here's the link i used to learn.  it's free too!

now for my husband's was a good week for him as well.

he received a free $200.00 gift card in the mail again this week.

he used part of the gift card balance to fill up my gas my gas was free this week!   if you want to take advantage of the grocery club it's open to anyone in the united states and canada.  here's the link is best!

Saturday, May 21, 2011


the whole idea is to spend as little as possible for as much as possible.  it's that simple.  no room at my house for going overboard. 

it's tough times so every dollar matters.  finding legal ways to stretch what's left after taxes and bills is my mission. 

maybe you're to that point too.  looking at your options.  not wanting to work a second or third job.  not wanting to cut to a barebones budget.   

wanting to afford life. to eat out. to give good gifts.  to travel. to sleep well at night.  it's not asking too much to just enjoy a regular life!

so we've learned a few things.   there is a time and place for coupons. at our house i'm the couponer.  check out and she'll give you all the tools she gave me to start finding things my extended family needs....for free or super cheap.  it's super easy, fast, fun and rewarding.

and there is a time and place for joining with others who want to save even more.  that's where my hubby comes in.
he's in a grocery club available in the united states and canada.  check out his site at for all the details.   yesterday he went and filled the kia with gas and the whole tank was free.

so it all sounds like it's too good to be true.  i understand.  i can only share with you how it's all working out for us.   and i don't know any reason why what works for us somehow couldn't work for you. 

in this blog i'll share our successes and failures. my hope is it will encourage and inspire you.  and if there really is not a soul out there who needs to stretch paychecks , then i will encourage and inspire myself i guess.  
